About FOPS
We are extremely fortunate to have such
a supportive community. Our parents
and grandparents work tirelessly to organise, promote and run a whole host
of events which raise vital funds for the school. If you can spare any time to help out at our fundraisers, please contact the school.
What is FOPS?
FOPS is the PTA at Ysgol Penyffordd and is responsible for fund raising. You’ll probably be aware that schools receive very little funding for each child so any additional funds are very beneficial. FOPS is a registered charity that raised almost £10,000 last year but with a committee of only a handful of parents, we really need your help!
What does FOPS do?
FOPS organise events to raise funds. The main annual events each year include the Christmas and Summer Fairs, School Discos and Film Nights. We also arrange gift tables for Mothers & Fathers Day, Charity Bag collections, Bingo and run a Sunflower competition. FOPS are always keen to receive suggestions for new and exciting events that you and your family would like to attend.
How is FOPS money spent?
In recent years, FOPS have helped to refurbish and restock the school libraries, purchase interactive whiteboards, computers, sports equipment, help fund educational workshops and school trips. FOPS help Ysgol Penyffordd buy the ‘extras’ that the school’s budget just can’t cover.
What can you do?
· Attend FOPS Meetings and get involved
· Make suggestions for new events
· Help at any organised events (even if you can only spare an hour to help on a stall, serve tea and coffee etc)
· Help behind the scenes (wrap some gifts for Santa’s Grotto, bake a cake, prepare raffle tickets etc)
· Support and attend the events organised
· If you work for a company that participates in Charity Matched Funding (where the company donates an amount matching the amount raised by an event) please let us know
· If you own/work for a business that can donate a raffle prize please let us know
If you’d like to get involved, please email us at [email protected] or like our Facebook Page Friends of Penyffordd Schools
Forthcoming FOPS events:
Awaiting Dates...
Awaiting Dates...
FOPS 100 Club
FOPS 100 Club is a new fundraising initiative to raise much needed funds for school. A 100 club comes with an annual subscription of £12 (payable in advance). This subscription gives each member a number which will be entered into a monthly draw for 3 cash prizes. The cash prizes are made up from a percentage of the total money paid in. The prizes will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd, with the remainder of the money going into FOPS school fund.
Anybody over the age of 18 can be a member so please ask, friends, grandparents etc. if they would like to take part. There is no limit to the amount of numbers each person can pay for.
If you would like to join the FOPS 100 Club please ask school for an application form.
If you do have any issues or concerns regarding our fundraising then please contact us at [email protected] and refer to the Fundraising Regulator
FOPS 100 Club is a new fundraising initiative to raise much needed funds for school. A 100 club comes with an annual subscription of £12 (payable in advance). This subscription gives each member a number which will be entered into a monthly draw for 3 cash prizes. The cash prizes are made up from a percentage of the total money paid in. The prizes will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd, with the remainder of the money going into FOPS school fund.
Anybody over the age of 18 can be a member so please ask, friends, grandparents etc. if they would like to take part. There is no limit to the amount of numbers each person can pay for.
If you would like to join the FOPS 100 Club please ask school for an application form.
If you do have any issues or concerns regarding our fundraising then please contact us at [email protected] and refer to the Fundraising Regulator